
Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I've never had a brother, and Jerime never had one either, so brothers are all new to us. It's very fun to see these two interact and grow up together. They love spending time together. Aren't they cute!

The first time we heard Kobe laugh out loud (other than in his sleep) was when we were all hanging out and the kids were being goofy. No one was paying attention to Kobe, but he was smiling big watching everything. Zi leaned over and grabbed Kobe's hand and he cracked up! He was so glad to be part of the action.

Zion has many many nicknames for Kobe. He mostly calls him Lumpster or Koba-be-bo.

On Valentine's Day Zion said to me "Mom, you're the best Mom I never met in the whole wide!" :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

She can't be bothered!

(yes, she still likes to be topless)

Reagan has become more and more independent. This has been great most of the time, but sometimes she can be a little sassy (no way!).

I have been battling a nasty cold for the past month. The other day I thought I was running a fever so I asked her if she would get me the thermometer.

R: "why do you always ask me and not Zion"
M: "well you don't have to do it I just thought I would ask you for a favor"

trying again...

M: "I just really wish a nurse would take my temperature"
R: "then go to a doctor!"

I had to laugh at that one. She was just too busy. She eventually got it for me, but first had to finish what she was doing.

She is so much fun!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Locks of Love

My hair grows really fast. Several inches a year. My hair has been getting pulled a lot lately by a grabby little 3 month old. So I decided to cut it off. A major change! But I love it and it is so easy to take care of now. I was also able to donate 2 ponytails of my long hair to Locks of Love.

Reagan cried and cried. She said I'm not a mommy anymore. She's getting used to it but she doesn't do well with change in general. I'd like her to be able to donate some day but her hair grows very very slowly. She's never even had shoulder length hair. It doesn't help that she cut it herself once!