
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Workout update

So, I attempted my first workout yesterday. First of all it was almost impossible without a babysitter. I was constantly interrupted. Second, I am weak! W-E-A-K! I could lift the 10lb weights, but I had a hard time finishing the reps let alone do all the sets. Today I am sore in muscles I didn't know I had. Looking forward to Jerime getting home so I can work out a little more properly.

The diet is getting easier. I need to figure out how to add in a little more variety though. Here's a picture of my smallest portion size. Isn't that crazy! That is one of 4 huge meals. The rest are "snacks" but I would consider some of them a meal too.

Is anyone else following the Casey Anthony trial? I am so intrigued by it. I think the thing that draws me in is her almost complete lack of emotion. I find that very strange and I can't wrap my head around it! I am eager to hear the defense this week.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who's ready to eat!

Wow! I am eating so much food! I am eating 6 meals a day and to me it seems like a lot of food. Sometimes it feels like I am eating a full dinner each time. Yesterday I starting eating clean and I realized how much junk I've been eating. I was having sugar withdraws by the end of the day with a headache to boot.

Today I will be starting the workout. Reading through my plan I am a little worried about lifting 10lb weights. Pathetic right!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Philippians 4:13

I'll try to get an update in this evening letting you all know how wimpy I am! I'll try to get that pic up too. I took a before one for my trainer, but I want a little more modest one for my blog.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Start Day

Today I got my 16 week plan! I'm so excited. I'm considering today my start day where I get everything organized, grocery list, schedule, etc. Tomorrow I will start the program. I plan to do every single thing it says on it. Nothing more or less. Can't wait to see my progress! I will be posting a before picture either today or tomorrow.

Jerime will be traveling for work this week so I'm afraid it will be a little bit tougher for him. He does have a gym at his hotel though.

In other news, we are finishing up painting the inside of our house and hope to be back on the market very soon. Houses are selling here now, so we're trying to get it done quickly. It's hard to paint with three little ones though. They always want to help.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

16 weeks

So, Jerime and I have enrolled in a boot camp. At the end of 16 weeks we are going to be in the best shape of our lives. I'm excited. After three kids I feel like Adam Sandler in this clip.

I will be blogging about this over the next 4 months so stay tuned!