
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Workout update

So, I attempted my first workout yesterday. First of all it was almost impossible without a babysitter. I was constantly interrupted. Second, I am weak! W-E-A-K! I could lift the 10lb weights, but I had a hard time finishing the reps let alone do all the sets. Today I am sore in muscles I didn't know I had. Looking forward to Jerime getting home so I can work out a little more properly.

The diet is getting easier. I need to figure out how to add in a little more variety though. Here's a picture of my smallest portion size. Isn't that crazy! That is one of 4 huge meals. The rest are "snacks" but I would consider some of them a meal too.

Is anyone else following the Casey Anthony trial? I am so intrigued by it. I think the thing that draws me in is her almost complete lack of emotion. I find that very strange and I can't wrap my head around it! I am eager to hear the defense this week.

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