
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Couch 2 5K

Tonight I started training for a 5k. The Klop family has been having a 5k the last few years and this year I would like to try to run it. It's not until September, so I have plenty of time to train.

I hate running though. So much! I feel like I'm drowning when I run and my body hurts. The jarring, the side aches, the throat closed up, oh I hate it!

I downloaded a c25k training app and started it tonight. It's a 9 week course that is 3 days a week. Tonight started with 5 minutes of brisk walking and then alternating 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking. It was pretty easy. It lasts for 25 minutes and I timed my route perfectly to make it back to my driveway at the last buzzer.

I mapped my route when I got home and got these stats. 1.8 miles in 25 minutes. Average pace 13:53. Average speed 4.32 mph (like a cheetah!) I have no idea if this is good or not. I know that I walked the mile in 13 minutes in high school because I hated to run back then.

I mapped another route from my house that is half a 5k, so eventually I will run it twice. Hopefully with better stretching it will be even easier next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did couch to 5k and it is awesome! It really works. I literally started from scratch. No athleticism. Never played sports. But always wanted to run. I did couch to 5k 2 years ago. Started at the end of feb and did my first 5k (race for the cure) that June. It felt amazing! I was talked into training for a 15k that fall and despite much self doubt, I did it! I even came in in the middle of the pack AND ran the whole way.