
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Aren't changes hard?

Tomorrow I am beginning my "project" - or self-help project I should call it. Last summer I started and then stopped my fitness bootcamp. Tomorrow I am starting it again with determination to finish it. It lasts for 16 weeks. The very last day will be my 31st birthday. What better gift can I give myself than the gift of health!

I am excited and very scared. Last time getting my exercises in was hard. Since then I've tried to start again only to fail horribly on the diet. Horribly!

I have always been a big eater. I'd eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and generally had no problems. I never exercised. Ever. Then I had kids. I gained 60+ pounds with each of my pregnancies except Kobe. I only gained right around 35 pounds, but that's only because I started 20 pounds heavier. When I went in to deliver Kobe the nurse registering me asked my weight. I had to look down when I said "199!" She looked at me and said "we better get this baby out then!"

I plan to be open about my weights and measurements. I know a lot of people have said before that "oh you're so skinny already why do you want to do this?" To say I'm skinny isn't a stretch. I'd pretty much agree with that for the most part. I am out of shape though. I do have some love handles and big hips, but I'd also say I'm far from overweight. In fact, I have a healthy BMI right now.

So why do I want to do this? Well, the program I am working on is more about life transformation. It's about getting in control of your life and learning self control and self discipline. Bonus - you look and feel great when you are done!

One of my biggest problems is eating. I still eat whatever whenever and this time it shows. I feel completely out of control in this area of my life. I even think I have a problem. I think about food all the time. I'm a grazer and eat all day. Even when I'm eating, I'm already thinking about my next snack or meal. At night I think about food when I go to bed. I even consider getting up one more time for something to nibble on. The first thing I think about when I wake up is getting something to eat. Sick right?

When I eat I'm usually just eating to taste the flavor. Sometimes I find myself eating faster and faster because for some reason I feel like I need to finish it all. Do any of you struggle with this? I'm a freak right?

The good thing about this diet I will be on is that I will be forced to eat a lot and often. The bad news, it's mostly "bland" food. The hardest part for me will probably be no fruit for 4 months. I always feel a little better if my food shoveling is fruit. Like it justifies it. :) (I feel a lot better when it's cookies!)

So, tomorrow it starts. I will be updating throughout the weeks how it's going, what I'm doing, pics, measurements, etc. Legally I'm not allowed to share the secrets of the program, but if you would like to research it or join along with me the website is HitchFit. They specialize in transformations. Check out the before and afters they are amazing!

So tell me, what are your food weaknesses? Do you find yourself sneaking food or other bad eating habits like me? I'm here with you!


Mama Runner said...

I feel like I'm in reasonably good shape (I ran 16 miles last week, after all.) But my BMI is technically in the overweight area. I need to lose 5lb to get into the healthy range. My diet is definitely out of control. I'm exactly like you--eat whatever whenever. I've been trying to be more aware of what I'm eating, focusing on fruits and veggies, and asking myself, "Am I really hungry, or do I just want to eat?" Most of the time, I'm not really hungry. But it's still hard to stop the compulsion to eat, especially handling my monsters.

Nog Blog said... is it going? I am terrible about eating too, and can totally relate to the going-to-bed, getting-up obsession to eat. I'm hoping for frequent updates.