
Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Hi blog friends! Tell me, how do you read blogs? Do you go to each blog site and click through to others? Do you read all of your favorites through a reader like Google Reader?

I used to click through all of my favorites. I'd go to sidebars and find other blogs that looked interesting and then click through those. I call it blog stalking. Then I subscribed to my favorites in Google Reader and have been using FeedSquares on my phone to read the blogs. There are advantages and disadvantages to this method. Advantages I get them all at once, can choose which to read first and save for later, etc. Disadvantages When you don't go to their actual blog site sometimes you can miss out on links to a lot of cool things, sometimes pictures or videos don't show up, you can't click through to other good blogs, etc.

One of the worst things though is saving posts to read later. Some of my blog subscriptions will have numerous unread posts. This should tell me something - unsubscribe! But for some reason I just can't! I end up quickly skimming through posts. Sometimes these are left unread because I get bored with the blog.

Do you ever get bored with the blogs? You just can't sit through the "vacation number 17" post. That is one of my pet peeves. I'm fine with splitting into 2 and maybe 3 posts, but if it's the same event... boring!

I also get weary reading sappy posts.  Some of my favorite bloggers have gone from fun-filled blog content to some new word of the year and then all posts are filled with flowery visual language based on the new word. It's absolutely fine, just not my thing.

Saying all of that, I am about to start posting quite a bit about the same topic. Feel free to read along, comment, get engaged, or skip if you get sick of me talking about the same old boring thing! I hope you will stay, but I completely understand if you "mark as read."

I'll also add this disclaimer, even though I will be posting about one topic quite a bit, the blog is not going to turn into a specific blog. I will still use this blog to post about anything and everything. Just be prepared for a lot of the same. I will try to keep it interesting!

So tell me, what are your blogging habits and irritations?


Nog Blog said...

I have my favorite blogs in my Favorites...and I click on each one almost every day. My irritation...when I check, check, check and check and there is nothing new. Bloggers should not get people hooked and then just ignore their blog. I'm interested to see what you have up your sleeve. I will be checking! :)

Brooke said...

I do Google Reader! Then I check quickly usually every day. It is much more efficient than my blog stalking days!

And if I get bored with a blog, I just unsubscribe to it, which I've done before.

Hmmm... intrigued with what will be coming here...